Moving Away from BMI – Thoughts and Opinions

Society and health professionals are very centred around weight. If you weigh 70 kg and you’re short than you are often classified as obese. If your 70 kg and you’re tall, then you’re often considered normal weight. Our current BMI system fails people who don’t have a more conventional body type. Whether that’s because theContinue reading “Moving Away from BMI – Thoughts and Opinions”

PhD Diaries – In sickness and in health

I currently have an awful cold and I’m beginning to feel like I’m married to my PhD. As ridiculous as it sounds, it always comes first and if I’m sick, I still need to stress over it. Time is so limited and task after task is thrown at me. I did do some work todayContinue reading “PhD Diaries – In sickness and in health”

Inspiring Quotes by Amazing People – Albert Einstein

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. Albert Einstein One of the main reasons I became a scientist was because I love looking at the world from a science perspective. It really does feel like magicContinue reading “Inspiring Quotes by Amazing People – Albert Einstein”

PhD Diaries – Mental Energy

Mental energy has an important impact on the lives we lead. Lately, I can feel mine diminishing. That’s not to say I don’t work my hardest everyday, but I think I’m just feeling a bit drained. I’m trying my best to identify why, but sometimes there’s just too much that can take a toll onContinue reading “PhD Diaries – Mental Energy”

PhD Diaries – It’s okay to take a break

Sometimes we take on too much work. Lately, my mind has been focused on one task after the other, which is why I haven’t been posting lately. It’s okay to work on many projects at once and it’s okay to take a break from some. I find that time after time I beat myself upContinue reading “PhD Diaries – It’s okay to take a break”

The Impact of Trauma

Over on my other blog, MyLittleCorner, I made a post on releasing past trauma. Obviously, all trauma is different and I want to stress that if anyone is struggling with it in such a way that it affects your daily life, seek help. It’s very rare to overcome it all by yourself and support isContinue reading “The Impact of Trauma”

PhD Diaries – Money Worries

I come from a single income household, my mother earns money and my father has his addictions. Doing a PhD has made it more difficult to work because it’s full time, but it’s also a bit to do with mental exhaustion. My dogs need an operation, so the pressure is getting to me. I decidedContinue reading “PhD Diaries – Money Worries”

PhD Diaries – The Calm Before the Storm

I have a presentation coming up. While this is a major part of a PhD, a lot is riding on this one because it’s my confirmation of candidature. So far, this year has been great. I’ve worked a Literature Review and I have been working on a low risk ethics application. Yes, that’s not reallyContinue reading “PhD Diaries – The Calm Before the Storm”

The Long-Term Effects of COVID-19

With the growing COVID19 cases in the US, questions into the long-term effects it will have on those diagnosed with the disease are arising. With anti-science and mask wearing currently at a peak, the risks if this continues will be drastic. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), most people with the disease, will experienceContinue reading “The Long-Term Effects of COVID-19”

Climate Change…

This year has brought up a lot of very important social issues. While I do try my best to keep those issues within my mind, I remember that we are approaching a point of no return in regards to climate change. The reality is that the effects we have been warned about for so longContinue reading “Climate Change…”

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