How to Know if Your Career Path is Right for You

One thing that arises in almost every student during there degree, is questioning whether they’re following the right path. Throughout both of my degrees (Biomed and honours), I questioned myself and my abilities more than I wish to admit. When I was choosing degrees in highschool, I kind of carelessly picked. I was in theContinue reading “How to Know if Your Career Path is Right for You”

Life is Beautiful

Every form of life on this planet, Can be traced back one single cell. A spontaneous assembly of proteins. The perfect coincidence. This moment is forever lost in time. There’s something incredibly romantic, And saddening about that. We have no ability to see our origins, Yet, we can piece the puzzle together. It’s highly possible,Continue reading “Life is Beautiful”

PhD Diaries – Finally Relaxing

After I became confirmed as a candidate, my list of to do’s became significantly smaller. Then, I became sick for two weeks so I had the chance to have a nice long break. Although, I wouldn’t exactly call being in bed all day due to a sore throat very relaxing, but at least I didn’tContinue reading “PhD Diaries – Finally Relaxing”

The Left/Right Brain Myth – Throughs and Opinions

The left and right brain have long been divided based on its apparent. In society, it’s often heard that people are either right brained or left brained. When I was in high school, it was very engrained in teaching. I always considered myself left-brained because I was logical, however; there were characteristics of mine thatContinue reading “The Left/Right Brain Myth – Throughs and Opinions”

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